
Our team of flower arrangers provide 3 arrangements each week in church, but at Easter, Harvest and Christmas we have extra arrangements.  We have a rota and we choose when we would like to help, and we usually work in pairs.  Often someone will ask for arrangements in memory of a loved one, and we also provide flowers for weddings, funerals and memorials.  Arrangements may be in vases, or a basket of flowers, or in biodegradable Oasis.  During Lent and Advent there are no flowers in church. In November, each year, we have 2 Wreath-making evenings, these are fun evenings and there are usually 40 visitors each evening who leave with their own special decoration for Christmas.  These evenings help to raise funds to provide flowers in the church throughout the year.

For weddings we are able to meet with the bridal party to discuss what they would like in the way of a theme, colours and number of arrangements, and it is a joy for us to do the wedding flowers.  For funerals, the deceased’s family often request what flowers and colours they want and we are happy to oblige.

We are also pleased to welcome new members to the Flower Guild, often they have never arranged flowers, but they come along and learn as they go along.

If you have any questions or feel you may like to join our team, please contact Sylvia Morrison-Moore on 07798 766322

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